Zoe Foster Blake is best known for her beauty and skin care products which she sold for $89,000,000 to beauty company BWX but retained 68% of her company. 

She is also known as the partner of radio and television personality Hamish Blake. 

Prior to her marriage and giving birth to her two boys she was also a successful novelist.

Having children diverted her into writing children’s books. Her first children’s book, ‘Noone Likes A Fart’ sold more than a 125,000 copies since 2017. 

She was at Dymocks bookshop to promote her fourth children’s book, ‘Scaredy Bath’. It’s about a bathtub who feared bath time because of the chaos that occurs with writhing children in it, the heat of the water, sticky goo, poo and the occasional vomit. 

‘Scaredy Bath’ is published by Puffin Books.

Featured image : Zoe Foster Blake. photo by Ben Apfelbaum