Michael Heming and Fiona Murphy in THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS

This was an energetic attempt at presenting a very well-known musical. The show contains fine characterisations, situational humour, excited ensemble moments and subtle sideways glimpses at vulnerability. These all were in evidence to some degree in this version.

The extended stage and steps to the top of the ‘guesthouse’ accommodated the variety of scene locations, and there was good variety of lighting. The placing of action on the auditorium floor was successful except for some partially obscured low scenes in front of the stage.

Fiona Murphy’s whorehouse madam, Mona Strangely, displayed elegance, courage and was reliable vocally. Michael Heming’s TV personality Melvin P Thorpe was a strong caricature with a formidable wig.

Another important layer to the cast was Doatsy Mae, the ubiquitous diner waitress turned social commentator. Nicole Taylor played this part strongly, and her Act 1 number Doatsy Mae was delivered well and in a bittersweet style.

Other memorable musical moments were Mona and her girls singing Lil’Ole Bitty Pissant Country Place, and the Girls’ beautiful Hard Candy Christmas. Ray Pittman showed himself to be comfortable in song with his Good Old Girl number late in the show.

The introduction of burlesque themes into the Texas story brought stunning outfits onto the stage, blending with aspects of the set. Some of the burlesque posturing did not appear to be as comfortable for the cast as did the choreography. The concepts may be said to have a jarring effect on the original story and its core concerns.

Some sound and balance issues were present on the night I attended, as was some occasional fluency of dialogue, but these are sure to be addressed quickly throughout the run.

Overall, this show entertained and the action or music never dragged. Y’all of age go and enjoy!

The Canterbury Theatre Guild’s production of THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS, directed by Ray Pittman and James Russell, opened at the Bexley RSL on Friday 12th October and runs until Sunday 21st October, 2012.

© Paul Nolan

13th October, 2012

Tags: Sydney Theatre News- BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS, Bexley RSL, Canterbury Theatre Guild, Fiona Murphy, Michael Heming, Nicole Taylor, Ray Pittman.