Joshua Thomson – Artistic Director
Jenni Large
Jenni Large
Jenni Large
Vicki Van Hout

Anchored in the Opera House forecourt a giant crane dangles a woman atop an iceberg shaped in an inverted triangle. What we are witnessing over a three day period is a visual representation of the way in which glaciers worldwide are retreating and melting due to the effects of climate change.

In its thirty seven year history Legs On The Wall has not merely entertained by their physicality and death defying acrobatics. They have also performed with an expressive moral imperative oN an ecological theme consistently over the years.

Over eight hours per day for the first two days and for six hours on the last day the harnessed woman performs acrobatic and dance moves on the iceberg.

The performance is accompanied by durational music composed by Alaskan composer Matthew Burtner

Choreography above and on the iceberg is entitled The Woman and co-created by Legs On The Wall Artistic Director Joshua Thomson

Vicki Van Hout, Jenni Large, Isabel Esprelli, the later three venturing onto the icen solo performances. 

To emphasise the melting of the icebergs there is an amplified drippingater soundtrack.I attended the first and third days and there was marked, proportional shrinkage of the iceberg above Sydney Harbour.

In its simplicity and its directness THAW creates a powerful impact of concern and urgency. 

Vicki Van Hout

Vicki Van Hout

Text and pics by Ben Apfelbaum