Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation

Rogue Nation- featured

Yes, he’s back. It is a more mollified humane Tom Cruise who once again fights the Syndicate and The Establishment. The Syndicate aims for a new world order by upsetting the status quo using acts of terrorism.  The  Establishment, like all establishments, is in complete denial.

This is a super action packed MISSION. And it has something in it for everyone…

For the woman of today, there is Ilsa Faust (Rebecca Fergusen), a double agent thwarted by both her male bosses, -confident, combative and  assertive, an unbelievable bike rider, at times soft and caring, and the very equal of Cruise.

Nerds get a look in with Benjie (Simon Pegg), Cruise’s slightly fumbling yet totally loyal sidekick. The Establishment is ably represented by Alec Baldwin. The ultimate IT expert is an Afro American Luther Strikell, (Ving Rhames) and the Nice Guy is William Brandt (Jeremy Renner). They all up gang up against the Schoolyard Bully, the embodiment of Evil, an Englishman by the name of Soloman Lane (Sean Harris).

Oh, and for good measure Opera Fans get to see a bit of Turandot.

This is a film that doesn’t take itself too seriously and there are a few laughs on the way. Like all Mission movies the willing suspension of disbelief is required but the audience didn’t seem to mind doing that too much. We all know how a Mission will finish, but this movie has genuine tension and suspense.

It all ends with the heroine driving off in her shiny black BMW convertible, a taut look over her shoulder as she says to Ethan Hunt  “….you know where to find me.”

We saw this movie at the Event cinema in the City, in Atmos Dolby. The sound surround Audio and the slightly curved screen gave the movie great oomph. If you are a Mission devotee or just hanker for some big hearted big deal action cinema go and see it..and see it in Atmos Dolby! And if you are into Rotten Tomatoes the rating is 94%.