AHE Haydn Speaks City Recital Hall image Oliver Miller

As the quintet begins playing its first vignette from a Haydn symphony, Australia’s beloved John Bell enters. And so begins this engaging concert with the 82 year-old Bell playing the 77 year-old Haydn, interspersed with the Australian Haydn Ensemble’s selection of thirteen Haydn pieces. Haydn had a troubled start to composing. He worked 30 years in the  Esterhazy    family’s remote Austrian castle. Isolated from major European cultural centres, his diary records that this ‘forced me to become original’. When his patron, Prince Nikolaus, died and the philistine son took over, Haydn was snapped up by the English. He lived his senior years in London creating some of his most memorable works.

This life story is presented by Bell reading from four sources – Haydn’s diary, letters from lovers, biographies of Haydn written after his death and a script by Australian opera director Rachel McDonald. Bell wears a silk suit that says European, elegant, imperious and dignified. The tall, handsome, angular-chinned Bell looks nothing like Haydn, as we learn from the diary where Haydn describes himself as short, bulbous-faced and unattractive. Yet we also learn that many elegant women were attracted to him. He was highly creative and could satisfy the ladies. 

Bell’s readings merge seamlessly with the quintet’s all-Haydn music. Occasionally the musicians get to interact and joke with Bell’s Haydn, adding to the casual, relaxed mood.  The Australian Haydn Ensemble exudes precision, elegance and spirit, particularly in the finale – Symphony No 104’s Spiritoso movement.

The director of the performance is Damien Ryan of Sport for Jove theatre company. Violinist Skye McIntosh is the musical director and founder of the Australian Haydn Ensemble. The other members are Matthew Greco (violin), Karina Schmitz (viola), Daniel Yeadon (cello) and Melissa Farrow (flute). The lighting director is Saint Clair.

HAYDN SPEAKS : AUSTRALIAN HAYDN ENSEMBLE WITH JOHN BELL was performed for one night only on Sunday 16th October at the City Recital Hall. It is in Canberra October 20 and the Southern Highlands October 22.


Featured image : AHE Haydn Speaks at City Recital Hall Pic Oliver Miller

Review by Carol Dance