1 Amanda Maple Brown, Brendan Mile & Aanisa Vylet Lo Res (1)

The Depot Theatre is currently home to an important new Australian play, James Balian and Roger Vickery’s A NEST OF SKUNKS, directed by Travis Green.

With their play these two playwrights tackle one of the great and vexing issues facing contemporary society- what is the world to do  about its displaced people…those people who can no longer live where they were brought up, and are searching for a new home.

Penelope Lee is good as the courageous main character Lily who runs a safe house for refugees, skunks being the colloquial term. Presently she is housing two skunks/asylum seekers;- father Stephen, played by Brendan Miles and Sam, his grown-up daughter, played by Aanisa Vylet. (I found Sam’s character to be the play’s weakest role,  too stereotypical in dialogue and look).

Peter Condon  plays  Lily’s superior Stephen with whom she has a good rapport. Things start to go awry  when a new organiser presents herself to Lily. Amanda Maple-Brown as  Kristy announces that  Stephen has been replaced without any  warning. Furthermore, Kristy advises her that her two current asylum seekers need to be moved on very quickly or they will be at grave risk.

A  NEST OF SKUNKS is a taunt night in the theatre.  The plays’ many different threads come together to  create a strong dramatic climax with a new hero getting to stand up and be counted.

Collaborations Theatre Group  production A NEST OF SKUNKS is playing the Depot Theatre, 142 Addison  Road, Marrickville until August 13.