
Every year the New Theatre puts on a season of plays known as ‘New Directions’. During the season four young directors are given the opportunity to put four new plays written by either Australian or British playwrights.

Local writer Lachlan Philpot’s play ‘Catapult’, directed by Travis Green, was the first play in the series.Philips had his play ‘Colder’ put on as part of this years’ Stablemates series of play at the Stables theatre.

Philpot pursues a great idea with ‘Catapult’. I’m waiting for the idea to turn up in a movie soon! What we have in ‘Catapult’ is a meeting point between two couples; a gay couple, Nathan and Guy, and a lesbian couple, Kay and Beth. The meeting point is that Nathan and Beth want to have children. The turkey baster method is used. The question becomes whether the two couples, not that secure in their relationships, can survive such a big life change.

My verdict….’Catapult’ is a missed opportunity. The old adage applies there are so many great ideas out there, but to actually run with it, and make something worthy is a whole other story…