Kick Arse Martial Arts in 13 ASSASSINS

A shot of nostalgia for Shogunites and those sentimental for samurai is in store with 13 ASSASSINS (MA), a boisterous blood and blade Bushido opus from prolific filmmaker Takashi Miike.

Set at the end of Japan’s feudal era, a group of unemployed samurai are enlisted to bring down a sadistic lord and prevent him ascending the throne and plunging the country into a war torn future.

Beginning with a ritual suicide, seppuku slides into massacre as the hiss register for the villain goes off the vile meter and our hopes for the thirteen assassins success is ratcheted into retribution hyper drive.

Leading the thirteen is Shinzaemon Shimada played by Koji Yakusho. This fighting fit at fifty-five samurai has gone fishing of late but is quite keen to wield the katana again especially against such a cruel and evil opponent.

His assembled samurai are a rag tag bunch ranging in age, skill and experience but bound by a common goal in ridding their country of a ghoul.

The last to join their ranks is a forest forager, handy with a catapult, who finds the sword-centric samurai arrogant but whose brawls are crazy fun.

Played by Yusuke Iseaya, the hog hunting sling shooter provides the much needed comic relief in what is two hours of choreographed killing and decapitation. Kick Arse Martial arts!

(c) Richard Cotter

4th September, 2011